10 Reasons You Should Healthy

Hello Boss Ladies. The importance of taking the time to eat healthy is something I can never stress enough. It is essential to living a healthy lifestyle and for your overall well being. There are endless benefits and reasons to eat healthy, but here are just a few of my favorite.
1. Healthy eating boosts your energy
I know all of you have hectic lives which means it is of upmost importance to give your body the fuel it needs to crank out your daily to do list. Refined foods and enriched foods like white bread are processed like sugars when put into your body. This causes your energy to peak, which might seem good, except that this peek is then followed by a crash which leaves you feeling tired and lazy. Simply switching to healthier foods has been proven to boost people's energy and give them the power they need to get through their day.
2. Reduces Inflammation
Inflammation happens when the body senses a foreign invader and unhealthy foods such as red meats, soda, butter, and refined sugars have been proven to cause inflammation. Inflammation has been linked to serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease. It also often causes discomfort due to bloating which no body has time for. The secret to fighting inflammation lies in your eating habits. Having an overall healthy diet promotes good gut healthy and can fight against inflammation.
3. Helps you get your beauty sleep
I don’t know about you guys, but I am not the same person without a solid night’s sleep. I’m usually tired and cranky the day after pulling an all-nighter to study for my exams. Thankfully maintaining healthy eating habits has been shown to promote a longer and more restful night’s sleep. Sleeping well has an incredible amount of benefits for your overall well-being. It helps promote memory, enhances your mood, promotes weight loss, boosts your energy, etc. It just leaves you feeling your best so that you can tackle whatever you need to get accomplished.
4. Happiness
Healthier eating habits have been proven to enhance your mood and lead to a more sound piece of mind. This is for a couple reasons. Eating consistently and nutritionally throughout your day can help you avoid crashes in energy and thus the “hangry” feeling we have all experienced at one time or another. Eating a sufficient amount of protein also improves your mood by increasing the release of dopamine into your system and slowing down the absorption of carbs into your blood stream. In addition, a well-rounded diet allows you to get a sufficient amount of the nutrients that contribute to your overall happiness, such as vitamin D and vitamin B-12.
5. Reduces risk of Cancer
Changing your eating habits and switching to a healthier lifestyle has been shown to lower your risk of getting cancer. Moderating your intake of highly processed foods, sugars, and red meat reduces the risk of various cancers including colon, kidney, and liver. Eating more nutrient packed foods like fruits and vegetables also reduces the risk of cancer because they contain cancer fighting components.
6. Weight Loss
Many people consider strict diets in order to lose weight and fit a particular look, however, losing weight due to healthy eating habits goes beyond appearance. Weight loss can reduce the risk of serious diseases like heart disease and poor bone density. Eating healthy also reduces obesity which can be harmful for a person’s well-being. Overall, eating healthy to lose weight is about much more than looks.
7. Promotes Brain Function
Proper nutrients are essential for brain function. If the brain is not provided with the nutrients it needs, it will not be able to function at full capacity which can impact your performance in academics or work. Eating healthy can help ensure your brain is firing at all cylinders and keep you hustling.